Far Cry 3 : The Bad

  • The Skill Trees are forceful and not fruitful.

There are three different “trees” you can go down: The Heron(Long range take-downs & mobility), The Shark (Assault take-downs & healing), and The Spider (Stealth Take-downs & survival). The heron is supposed to be long-range take-downs and mobility, but the very first skill that you can skill is cooking grenades, which makes no sense. In the Shark tree 14 out of the 17 traits are about surviving and the other 3 are take-downs. The Spider tree is a mix and match of gathering, take-downs, and assault traits.

The Heron tree forces you to choose cooking grenades before you can skill anything else

  • Economic Failure.

You kill a lot of people in Far Cry 3. A lot. You are encouraged to loot their bodies for any kind of trinkets, money, ammo, et cetera, but it takes too long to loot bodies. Bodies are scattered all over the battlefield so you have to go up to each and every one to loot their corpse and you might accidentally swap weapons with them because by happenstance they are the same button. This is completely overshadowed by the fact that money means nothing in this game. After the first 45 mins of the game, you never need to loot another body. There is nothing to buy after you find the guns you want and quests give enough to refill your ammo.

Looting a body is way more complicated than its needs to be

  • Just plain easy.

The game itself is not very difficult or even challenging. The enemies are only slightly intelligent and they don’t vary too much. Outposts usually consist of less than 5 people and it isn’t very difficult to dispatch of them. There isn’t really a situation where you have to step back and consider how you would approach the situation. i found myself intentionally setting off alarms just to be challenged somewhat. The game becomes significantly less challenging after about 2 hours of play time. Side quests are repetitive, taking over an outpost takes less than a minute, and the challenges are only fun half the time. Being stealthy is the only challenging part about the game.

One of the more heavily fortified outposts

One thought on “Far Cry 3 : The Bad

  1. I have not yet had a chance to play this game, but have heard great things. I like that you pointed out things you didn’t like about the game. In reference to only being able to loot one body at a time, a lot of games have noticed that it was annoying and have converted to the aoe looting system, which is 100 times better. Maybe farcry will do the same.

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